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Optimal btc fee Explore Investing. Ethereum went live in , the product of an attempt by developer Vitalik Buterin to expand on the central promise of cryptocurrency to decentralize larger swaths of the economy [0] Wired. Bitcoin and Ethereum use different consensus mechanisms. The more crypto someone stakes, the greater their chances of being chosen to validate a block of transactions to a blockchain and earning a set amount of crypto. Dive even deeper in Investing. While the value of a fiat currency might diminish over time, the value of crypto has been steadily and not-so-steadily climbing. Without the need for powerful computer hardware, proof of stake is considered a more environmentally friendly consensus mechanism than proof of work.
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Ethereum definitely. While Bitcoin solves the problem of technical asset, Ethereum will change the future. Ethereum might grow 10x in next 2. Likely the greatest advantage Bitcoin has over Ethereum is its simplicity. Bitcoin's value proposition is clear and easy to understand: it is a. Technically speaking, ethereum is more than a cryptocurrency. The Ethereum network acts as a marketplace for users to buy and sell goods and decentralized.
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