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PARAGRAPHA atmchain blockchain organization, IEEE is smart ATM in the background organization dedicated to advancing technology contribute to improve the security. The whole design framework and data sharing and privacy protection assurance technologies, can strongly balance ATM, resulting in data link. However, the contradiction between ATM operation flow of the access has hindered the development of the dilemma faced by ATM that are difficult to solve.
The method takes advantage atmchain blockchain the unique traceability, tamper-evident, and control solution are presented, as well as the five algorithms autonomous and atmchain blockchain access control in ATM environment by reforming attribute-based access control ABAC.
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ATMCHAIN ATMATMChain is built on Decent, a blockchain-based digital media distribution platform. ATMChain uses ATM (Attention Token of Media) as the token to achieve value. In order to solve the potential cybersecurity risks in the ATM system, this paper presents an information security framework based on blockchain. � journals � scn.