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The AffiliateWP plugin can be lot of effort in it. It can be used to no questions money back guaranty. Enter a comma-separated list of MultiSend service to airdrop or distribute your Ethereum ICO tokens from your MetaMask wallet as a part of your marketing campaign or token dividends paiment of Ether.

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Ethereum Wallet Balance Shortcode Demo - WordPress Ethereum Wallet Plugin
The Ethereum ICO WordPress Plugin can be configured to display fiat currency like USD instead of the default ETH, BNB or MATIC. In this mode. Get 9 ethereum WordPress eCommerce plugins on CodeCanyon such as Crypto Swap - Cryptocurrency Exchange Script and Widget on Ethereum Blockchain. The WordPress Ethereum Metamask Wallet Connect plugin auto-creates a user wallet upon registration and allows user to send Ether or ERC20/NFT tokens from it.
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Test networks like goerli and sepolia are supported. If you're wondering how to accept cryptocurrency payments on your website via MetaMask, you've come to right place. Installation Make sure that System Requirements are met on your hosting provider. This provider is tested for compliance: Cloudways Enter your settings in admin pages and place the [ethereum-wallet-sendform] , [ethereum-wallet-balance] and other shortcodes wherever you need it. By using this plugin you accept all responsibility for handling the account balances for all your users.