Why is bitcoin exploding

why is bitcoin exploding

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So why did bitcoin drop. Daniel Kuhn is a deputy.

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Bitcoin Is About To Explode ?? Says Billion Dollar Hedge Fund Manager
This limited supply creates scarcity, which can drive up the price as demand increases. The ARK Invest CEO described the price ramifications for the crypto market as institutions increasingly enter the space. As more people buy and hold Bitcoin, the available supply on exchanges decreases, which could lead to a surge in demand and higher prices.
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Bitcoin has also become much more mature since the days when it was used mainly as a method to purchase drugs on the dark web on Silk Road. Bitcoin achieved a remarkable rise in in spite of many things that would normally make investors wary, including US-China tensions, Brexit and, of course, an international pandemic. Bloomberg News. However, the most significant blow for crypto in was triggered by the collapse of FTX in November.